February 23, 2010

Get your kids to eat RIGHT!

Next generation is our job. We can do whatever we want and we are the influence of the next generation. How's it looking for us?

My kids eat like I eat. Why? Because I SAID SO!

How do your kids eat? Like you? Why or why not?

Savannah is dipping her asparagus in organic ranch... is that bad? NO. she is also eating apple and fresh farmers market pork. YUM!


Anonymous said...

My goodness, she looks like you!

Jessica said...

Gosh Carey, she looks so much like you! My baby eats like I eat, at 8 months he is enjoying lots of local and/or organic fruits and veggies. Soon we'll add wild fish and some local pastured meats. I can't imagine NOT feeding him well--I wouldn't eat crap so why would I feed it to him?!