My team alone lost over 6 % body fat, 15 + total inches and the before and after pics are even more amazing. (They will be posted soon) Then to the house for breakfast with the family and off to support my husband Kris and many other CrossFit athletes at a clean and tire flipping contest at the Hyde Park Gym. I was signed up but an ankle sprain from earlier in the week kept me out of the competition...arrgh! Nonetheless everyone did a great job, Kris had a four pound personal record and was able to get a 630 pound tire flipped eight times in one minute!
The kids and I spent a few hours in the yard. I sprayed them down with the hose, read a little in a book, and even got a little yard work in. Then a quick workout on our home's porch, to make sure that I haven't lost anything.
3 rounds of:
10 hang clean (45# bb)
25 back squat (45#bb)
25 push ups
25 ab mat sit ups
10 pull ups
15 shoulder press(45 #bb)
Just enough to get a sweat, cuss at the push ups, and take myself one closer step towards getting in shape for the Games. Then I had a date with Jen Cardella at the Swoop House to honor Lisa Munoz in achieving an amazing accomplishment, second in all of Austin Real estate agents for most homes sold in 2009! Nice job Lisa. She attends the "O Dark Thirty Class" M/W/F. (5:30am)
What a day! I was surrounded by people that give 100% of themselves by creating and achieving the life that they designed. What is better is that my children are always around these folks. With this sort of positive influence around them, my children will see possibility and achieve their dreams...whatever they may be.